My mom's great great nephew passed away Monday night in a car accident. When you come from a small town where all your family lives, you are blessed to have and know A LOT of cousins. As I've been away from home now going on 7 years , I remember Colby as the little boy in the third grade class I tutored. With his strawberry blonde hair, he was always up to this story is a little unbelievable for me even though I've kept up with his goings on through family, but our prayers are with Lance, Ronnie, Sharon and the rest of the family. This is just a reminder to me of how short our time is here. We never know what day is our last and it motivates me to make sure I'm treating others with kindness, wether it could be their last memory of me or mine of them. I'm so grateful for the knowledge of eternal families and that there is so much more than our lives here on Earth.
I share this not to look for sympathy, for there are those whose grief is a million times that of mine, but as a reminder of how precious our lives are and what's really important...especially at this holiday season.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Colby Roberson
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Young Women in Excellence
Last night was Gainesville 3rd Ward's Young Women in Excellence program. All of the YW and their families are invited as well as ward and stake leaders. Normally this is an opportunity for the YW to showcase their personal progress goals and projects. We decided to make our program a project. It was a whole musical production and the girls were amazing! We have very talented YW in our ward, almost all of them sang solos. I'm so proud of their hard work and the inspiration they are to me. It's so fascinating to be serving in the YW's program when I feel like it wasn't all that long ago I was there myself. It's good though because the things they are going through are still fresh in my memory and I feel like I have so much hope to give them.
The theme was "Steadfast and Immovable" with winter decorations. We had hot chocolate and refreshments (Thanks Amy for that!) and it was delicious! The Spirit was felt so strong and I know by the end of the night there wasn't a dry eye in the room because of our amazement at these YW.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Reflections on Marriage #3
Marriage is such an exciting thing. You make a committment to be with the love of your life FOREVER! You love your spouse so much, you still get excited when they call and they'll always be hotter than Brad tell me this....Why is that we (wives) are so SCARED of them??? Maybe it's just the thought of disappointing them or letting them down. For example, during the month of December I am no longer working (it's complicated- I start school in January), so I'm spending a lot of time at home getting things done I wouldn't normally...scrubbing base boards with toothbrushes, reorganizing the pantry, and other important tasks. Apparently I don't do well unsupervised for this many hours a day. It's like every day I fear Craig coming home and the trouble I will be in for whatever problem I've created that day.
Problem 1.
My point of view: I've been feeding a stray cat. I wanted it to come on the back porch and have a play date with Mia.
Craig's point of view: This cat isn't going to leave now. You can't let it around Mia, you don't know if it had diseases and Mia could get sick! oops.
Problem 2.
As I was elipticalizing (excercising on an eliptical machine) yesterday somehow I wedged the TV remote with the eliptical in such a way that it shattered into many pieces. As many of you out there may understand a TV remote is an important possession to a man. Miraculously I put it back together, sort of. It works anyways. So last night when Craig gets in bed I ask, "What happened to your remote?" He hadn't notice it's rugged appearance and the crack down the middle. I could've got away with that one...if I could keep from laughing.
Problem 3.
Today Mia spilled Dr. Pepper on the computer keyboard. Simple mistake, except that not too long ago she spilled water on my cell phone and we had to replace it. Luckily, I can't really reach Craig during the day so I run my ideas off others. Trevor gave me the good advice of using a hair dryer. Blaine gave me the good advice of not continuing with my plan of also pouring water over the keyboard to get rid of the stickiness.
Problem 4.
I'm not supposed to do certain things while I'm hear alone -like climb up into the attic. Well I did it, how would he ever know? Well, let me tell you how he'll know. I can get the ladder down into the attic, but I can't put it back up so when he pulls into the garage here in an hour or so he'll know.
These are just a few problems I've encountered in the past 48 hours. As you can tell I live in fear each day of when my husband comes home and I get caught in all my guilt.
So, my question is this...Why do we fear our husbands? Shouldn't they come home and just be happy to see us? All forgiving of any innocent wrongs?
I would like to end with this husband does not beat me, please don't worry! Although, he does say I exagerate a bit...
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Josh and Kendra's visit
Another fun event I forgot to post....Josh and his girlfriend Kendra (who we love!) came out to visit a couple of weeks ago. They're South Carolina fans so we took them to the SC vs UF game. AND we introduced them to pokey stix (Thanks Jeff, Amy and Ashley for introducing US to pokey stix). We had lots of fun and can't wait to see them again!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Pretty in Pink
I forgot to post a picture of my new laptop...did I mention it was pink??! I think I've fallen in love with a computer. What is it about the color pink? I walk through store and if something is pink I want it, even if I don't know what it is or what it does. Pink looks good on everything.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Jeff found out today that he got into dental school and will be starting August 2009, we are so so so excited for him! Congratulations Jeff and Amy, we love you guys!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Monday, December 01, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Apparently I blog in while I'm at it Happy Thanksgiving. We went down to Orlando for a couple of days and met Craig's parents and Jeff and Amy and their boys.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Friday, November 28, 2008
Ashley Gooch's Baby Shower
Last week I helped Alicia with Ashley's baby shower, she's due December 25. Congratulations Ashley, we can't wait to see your cute little boy!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Friday, November 28, 2008
Last Day of Work
Barb and Cathy
Nancy and James
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Friday, November 28, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Due to the latest blogs I figured I (Craig) would share in the "rivalry". Unfortunately my joke is actually not really even a joke.
What do you call a full mouth of teeth in Lousiana........ A family reunion.
Go Gators!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Getting Pumped Up!
This is mine and Mia's song for getting pumped up for the big game! (especially for those of you who heard the stories from the game last year)
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Congratulations Taylor!
We just wanted to let our nephew Taylor know how excited and proud we are of his team winning the Utah State Golf Tournament! We know you worked hard! We always talk about how someday we're going to be watching our very own nephew playing in the pros! Love you Taylor!

(Taylor's in the very middle)
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
It's Rival Week in the Copeland household
After Florida coach Urban Meyer passes away and enters the Pearly Gates, God takes him on a tour. He shows him a little 2-bedroom house with a faded University of Florida banner hanging from the front porch. "This is your home, Coach. Most people don't get their own house up here," God explains. Urban looks at the house, then turns around and looks at the one sitting on the top of the hill. It's a huge 2-story mansion with white marble columns and little patios under all of the windows. LSU flags line both sides of the sidewalk with a huge purple and gold LSU banner hanging between the marble columns. "Thanks for the home, God, but let me ask you a question. How come I get this little 2-bedroom house with a faded University of Florida banner, and Les Miles gets a mansion with new LSU banners and flags flying all over the place. Why is that?" God looks at him seriously for a moment and then replies. "That's not Les's house, that's mine."
Fortunately, Craig doesn't know how to blog.

Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Reflections on Marriage #2
A week ago I was at Craig's Intramural football game that started at 9:30 PM. I try to keep my eyes on every play because I know he'll ask me about it later. Suddenly I drifted off into Cassie Land and when I came back to reality I'd lost sight of him. He stands out cause he's usually the tallest guy out there, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked at the guys on the sidelines and still couldn't find him. Hmm.. Then, the one other person in the bleachers starts a conversation,
Her: "Which team are you cheering for?"
Me: "The black team, you?"
Her: "Same. Who are you here for?"
Me: "My husband, Craig Copeland, do you know him?"
Her: "Yeah, I played coed basketball with him once. I think he got hurt."
I believe this was her politely recognizing me as his wife and letting me know he was injured since i appeared oblivious.
I stand up and see him lying on the ground on the sidelines holding a shirt to his head covered in blood.
Me: "Hmm...I guess I should be a good wife and go over there."
Anways, Craig busted his eye open and long story short he refused to go to the ER and get stitches so I had to put him back together with tape. Luckily, I work in a plastic surgery clinic.
Need I say more on Reflections on Marriage #2?
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Reflection on marriage #1
I love my husband to death, but sometimes I don't quite understand him. I'm always thinking of these crazy ways mine and Craig's relationship has changed since marriage, most of the thoughts are funny and so I thought I'd share them from time to time when they cross my mind. Last night I was able to go the Stake Youth Dance and lucky for Craig he got to come along. Let's just say he was not a happy camper at giving up his Saturday night of college football. In my mind I'm thinking this is going to be so fun! Youth dances were great! It'll be like a date night, we'll slow dance and be so in love. This is how the night actually went....
On the 30 min. drive to the dance Craig made and received several phone calls regarding scores of games he was missing, not much conversation between us-still mad he's going.
At the dance, he finally slow dances with me because I'm begging and the other priesthood leaders are starting to give him a bad time about it.
So, I finally get my dance and I'm being optimistic. It's a love song of course and I'm singing the words and relating them to my blissful marriage.
Craig looks down at me and with all seriousness and sincerity says, "You know what"? hmmm... you've never been so in love with me? I look beautiful tonight? This song reminds you of us? NO
He says, "I could totally make a 3 pointer from here". Lucky for him he got another call from Jeff at that second with an updated score.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Quick Recap
We had a really fun weekend in Jacksonville with the Toblers. We borrowed my in-laws house while they were out of town (thanks by the way). We ate at The Landing at this really good place, I think it was called American Cafe or something...way good. We also visited Ponte Vedra and went to the beach there. I can't wait till my husband buys me a house on the beach.
We had the best dessert ever! (Jeff and Amy)
We also went to Utah for a week which was sooo fun! We got to catch up with friends and family and I didn't take a single picture. I stole this one off Annie's blog. It was so good to see her and Kara!
Josh, Kendra, Trevor, Slate, Jennica, and Crazy Dan

While we were out there I was able to set my little brother up at BYU in his dorm. It was a lot of fun, he's having a blast. And I only cried for a little while when we left him. After Utah it was back to work for me and school for Craig.
OH! And some exciting news! I got in to my graduate program at UF. I will be going back to school in January for my masters degree and I'm really excited and scared. I will be getting my Master's of Science in Management. It's comparable to the first year of MBA school, but for those without a business bachelor degree. So that's it in a nutshell. Oh and we just got a new computer! Which makes blogging and keeping up with everyone a lot easier now that we'll have two computers!
And one more picture..... Mia enjoying a relaxing Labor Day.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Blog Correction
Craig has been nagging me since my last post to correct this....His happiest moment was not getting Mia, it was seeing me so happy. He was not happy about Mia, I hope I've made this clear as he is very upset that you may all be thinking he was happy about her.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
2 years? Who's Counting...
To celebrate we went to dinner to Olive Garden (only because we had a gift card..LOL) and afterwards Mia joined us while we watched the Teen Choice Awards. For some reason this is getting really funny/lame as I'm writing. We had cookies for dessert that Craig had made on Sunday when I helped him make his first batch ever. As much cookies as he eats, I told him he had to start helping with the baking.
We decided to each think of our happiest moment in the past year and talk about it later that night. You won't believe this, but we thought of the exact same thing! The day we got Mia. It was such a special day!!!!
Anyways, I can't believe it's been two years. We're not newly weds anymore! The pressure really started coming after we hit one year for an addition to the family, I can't imagine what it will be like now...especially when George and Laura are back in town! But, on a serious note, it's been a great two years. It's amazing how not ready for marriage you are even though you think you're ready. We've learned so much about each other- good and bad. And fortunately the good times always heavily outweigh the bad. I know despite the fact that my husband has played basketball 4 of the 5 past nights that I'm one lucky girl! :) Craig is such a good husband and I try not to take it for granted. I'm always shocked at what other husbands DON'T do and everything Craig does. He's amazing and I hope he knows how much I love and appreciate him. To paraphrase a quote from the movie The Wedding Date, "I'd rather be fighting with you than loving someone else"! Is this even coming across sweet? I'm not very good at that....but anyways, I love you Craig!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Still Kickin'
On the way home Craig made a couple of stops and left me in the car...I only vaguely remember this, but I decided to take pictures while I was waiting in the car. Here is the masterpiece.

Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Goodbye Wisdom Teeth
I just wanted to make a post before the big day tomorrow. At 845 AM I go under the knife. My husband is actually going to be in on the procedure so he's really excited. I hope you all are able to see me smile again and I don't suffer any permanent paralysis of the mouth region. I love you all and hope I'm around to blog again. I have until midnight to eat and I gotta go!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A few recent milestones in our life together....
Craig's White Coat Ceremony!
Of course George and Laura came down for the special day. Look at these proud parents!!
We're so glad Todd and Abby and Tanner could be there! Tanner was so good the whole visit!
The LDS students in Craig's class and wives.
These are the real people celebrating here, we get our husbands back!! All of these girls only know what it's like to be married to a student. We can't imagine life after school. Left to right: Jessica Ingalls, Me, Rachel Greenhalgh, Heidi Kim. Jessica is expecting her first baby, isn't she glowing?!

Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Craig and Cassie WHO???

Craig told us about Alligator Farm and how you get to watch them feed the gators. Well apparently they've become braver since he last went. Not only did they feed the gators, but the fed them from inside!!! Holy Cow. You couldn't pay me enough to get in there. The only weapon they had was a stick.
How would you like to slip into that pond?
Thanks for visiting Todd and Abby and Tanner, we miss you guys already!!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Craig and I have both been blessed with such amazing father's and we just wanted to wish them a Happy Father's Day! You have taught us so much and we are so grateful for your examples and your unconditional love. Neither of us could have asked for more in a father or father-in-law. We love you both so much!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A bit of humility...
Last week as I was called as second counselor in the Young Women's Presidency in our Ward. It's been a very humbling experience as I've had a week to think about it. How am I supposed to be a leader to these girls who I think are more of an example to me than vice versa?? I have quite the task in front of me, but I'm very excited about it. The other ladies in the Presidency that I'll be working with are great and I can't wait to get to know them better. It's really made me step back and think about where I'm at in my life and what I need to be doing better. I'm sure that I'm going to grow from this experience, I only pray that I will be able to help these girls grow as well. I still my remember my Young Women's leaders and how amazing they were, so in my mind those are big shoes to fill. Wish me the best!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Rach's Bday
6/4 was Rachel's Bday and I'm kinda sad cause we haven't celebrated yet. But I just wanted to kick a belated shout out to her! Rachel is one of the reasons I've come to love Gainesville. Through both of our husbands starting dental school together she found me on facebook before any of us even moved to Florida. Craig and I weren't even married yet. So we emailed each other and became friends before we ever met. It was so nice to finally meet her the first day we started moving in. I had an instant friend and it definitely made the move to a new place with no friends a lot easier! I'm so grateful for her helping me out, when she was going through the same thing herself. Love you Rach!
This pic is a little oudated, sorry, neither one of us even have this color hair anymore!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Memorial Day
For Memorial Day Weekend we met our friends, Slate and Jennica, in St. George Island, Florida. We had a blast! Sorry about the hair...
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Thursday, June 05, 2008