Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reflections on Marriage #3

Marriage is such an exciting thing. You make a committment to be with the love of your life FOREVER! You love your spouse so much, you still get excited when they call and they'll always be hotter than Brad Pitt...so tell me this....Why is that we (wives) are so SCARED of them??? Maybe it's just the thought of disappointing them or letting them down. For example, during the month of December I am no longer working (it's complicated- I start school in January), so I'm spending a lot of time at home getting things done I wouldn't normally...scrubbing base boards with toothbrushes, reorganizing the pantry, and other important tasks. Apparently I don't do well unsupervised for this many hours a day. It's like every day I fear Craig coming home and the trouble I will be in for whatever problem I've created that day.
Problem 1.
My point of view: I've been feeding a stray cat. I wanted it to come on the back porch and have a play date with Mia.
Craig's point of view: This cat isn't going to leave now. You can't let it around Mia, you don't know if it had diseases and Mia could get sick! oops.
Problem 2.
As I was elipticalizing (excercising on an eliptical machine) yesterday somehow I wedged the TV remote with the eliptical in such a way that it shattered into many pieces. As many of you out there may understand a TV remote is an important possession to a man. Miraculously I put it back together, sort of. It works anyways. So last night when Craig gets in bed I ask, "What happened to your remote?" He hadn't notice it's rugged appearance and the crack down the middle. I could've got away with that one...if I could keep from laughing.
Problem 3.
Today Mia spilled Dr. Pepper on the computer keyboard. Simple mistake, except that not too long ago she spilled water on my cell phone and we had to replace it. Luckily, I can't really reach Craig during the day so I run my ideas off others. Trevor gave me the good advice of using a hair dryer. Blaine gave me the good advice of not continuing with my plan of also pouring water over the keyboard to get rid of the stickiness.
Problem 4.
I'm not supposed to do certain things while I'm hear alone -like climb up into the attic. Well I did it, how would he ever know? Well, let me tell you how he'll know. I can get the ladder down into the attic, but I can't put it back up so when he pulls into the garage here in an hour or so he'll know.
These are just a few problems I've encountered in the past 48 hours. As you can tell I live in fear each day of when my husband comes home and I get caught in all my guilt.
So, my question is this...Why do we fear our husbands? Shouldn't they come home and just be happy to see us? All forgiving of any innocent wrongs?

I would like to end with this disclosure....my husband does not beat me, please don't worry! Although, he does say I exagerate a bit...


Cass and Craig said...

Hey I know how you feel. I actually was trying to take your blog site and it wasn't allowed and I wondered why so I typed in your blog site and thought it was cool that we have some things in common not including our names :)

Take Care!

Attitude of Gratitude said...

You left out the attic adventure!!! That is hilarious--I think the only thing you need to fear--well, we need to fear is that at this age, we're probably not going to get any better. Just better at hiding it. . .

Jessica said...

I am not sure but it might have to do with the fact that our husbands are pretty much already dentists and they know how to inflict pain...(?)

ATT Hickson said...

Ha ha! I love your Marriage Reflections. So funny. I am up at 1:40am blogging so that I don't have to annoy Todd with asking to use the computer during the day when he might need it.

kara said...

Cassie you are funny! I miss you! These little reflections (surprisingly) do not deter me from wanting to get married! love ya!