You know that day the big news is supposed to come? Your college acceptance? If you got the job? Well our big day has come and gone and now we've moved on. Leading up to my due date we were frustrated, impatient and just waiting hour after hour. Now that is has passed we've accepted our fate: this will just be a way of life for us. I will be pregnant forever- never to see this baby. And now we must move on, but to what? Should I go buy the new wardrobe I will need for forever pregnant? Start applying for jobs? Return all the baby stuff? Perhaps begin doing all those things I was going to do after I had the baby? So many things to think about.
We're grateful for everyone's thoughts and concerns. I believe there are many out there who are more anxious than even us. I hope that yall are able to move on as we have.
Hopefully any day now, but we've prepared ourselves for forever pregnant.
Forever Pregnant
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2 months ago
total dejavu...
i am telling are reliving my life.....just means your boy is going to be amazing!
my biggest sympathies.
Boy it sure feels that way sometimes eh? It will come, and the day it does you will be like 'WHAT?' a new life overnight..and you will love it. Thinking about you guys!!
I had one that was over two weeks late...I know exactly how you feel.
You should get a new pregnancy countdown calander...I mean a count-up calander. Kind of like the one you had until last week only with "days over-due!" I'd start doing some heavy lifting if I were you and show your new son "Gimley McBean Copeland" who's boss!
I, for one, want to go on record and say that I know without a shadow of a doubt that you will not be pregnant forever. However, you are certainly to be admired for your patience. Loved your thoughts and sense of humor!!
Hey Lady,
my guess was the 24th......
Hope you are doing good. We miss you here at SHCC.
Let us know what's up.
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