Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas and New Years 2009

Christmas was very different this year. It was our first Christmas with just us. Craig's parents were cruising around New Zealand and Australia and we decided b/c I was 8 months pregnant not to travel too far away. I was a little sad not going home since it was my very first Christmas not at my parents house (I'm not quite sure how I've pulled that off after 3 married Christmas's). But as you can see my Mom made sure we had plenty of presents from Santa! It was fun to just be together and to have some quiet time before our lives so drastically change...at least for a couple of days. Craig and I aren't very good at doing "nothing" and grew bored very fast, but somehow kept each other entertained with movies and games and getting things ready for Baby Boy.

At one point we had a lot of decorations on our tree, but Mia took care of that.

Of course Momma didn't forget to send Mia a present.

Even a homemade present...

and she loved it!

I made my first Holiday dinner, but I think I overdid it a bit. After 3 days of eating we threw out so much food!

We spent New Year's at the Perry's...the boys somehow managed to beat us at Cranium.

It looks like I fell on the floor and couldn't get up...I don't think I fell, but I probably couldn't get up.

This would have been at about 37 weeks. I swear some of the puffiness is swelling!! At least that's what I tell myself every day.


Laura Copeland said...


You look beautiful, and it won't be long now! You will forget these days so fast when you get busy with little one!

Alicia said...

Cassie, You are beautiful! I love your baby belly it is so sweet and precious to know you have a little guy growing in there. What a great spread of food you cooked, way to go sista! Can't wait to hear about your new little guy. Happy New Year!

Ms. Green Eyes said...

You really will forget what it was like being pregnant- I honestly cannot remember. Thank goodness! Ha. I can't wait to see pics of your little man!

Unknown said...


remember that time you came home from college after your freshman year?

Cliff and Courtney's Family said...

Cassie its so good to place a face with all the emails!! I had no idea you were expecting and so soon! Congratulations!! You look great. I wish I looked that good pregnant. Thanks for sharing your blog with us.

Alison Wilde said...

Bring on that baby! Please don't forget to tell us when that little guy gets here even though we are the farthest away. I want him to know for sure who is favorite cousins are!! You look darling!