I went to the Dr. today and had another ultrasound determining this kid is healthy, the placenta is healthy, there is plenty of fluid and NOT a lot of progress. However, he is estimated at a whopping 9 lbs so that got my providers moving!
We were given the option to go ahead and have a c section because of the concern of his size or try a vaginal birth with induction and c section as backup. We decided to go with getting induced and hope for the best (Nicole, all I can think about is your labor story!)
I check in to the hospital tomorrow (Thursday) night and I will be induced Friday morning. So, it seems this kid will be here Friday one way or another!
During the ultrasound she was able to get some great views of his face and she determined he was going to be a great kisser because his lips looked huge! The thought of those lips will be what gets me through the next couple of days!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The last pregnancy update (hopefully)
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Dear Blog Readers
You know that day the big news is supposed to come? Your college acceptance? If you got the job? Well our big day has come and gone and now we've moved on. Leading up to my due date we were frustrated, impatient and just waiting hour after hour. Now that is has passed we've accepted our fate: this will just be a way of life for us. I will be pregnant forever- never to see this baby. And now we must move on, but to what? Should I go buy the new wardrobe I will need for forever pregnant? Start applying for jobs? Return all the baby stuff? Perhaps begin doing all those things I was going to do after I had the baby? So many things to think about.
We're grateful for everyone's thoughts and concerns. I believe there are many out there who are more anxious than even us. I hope that yall are able to move on as we have.
Hopefully any day now, but we've prepared ourselves for forever pregnant.
Forever Pregnant
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Two people asked me today if I am having twins. This has gotta end.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Monday, January 18, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Christmas and New Years 2009
Christmas was very different this year. It was our first Christmas with just us. Craig's parents were cruising around New Zealand and Australia and we decided b/c I was 8 months pregnant not to travel too far away. I was a little sad not going home since it was my very first Christmas not at my parents house (I'm not quite sure how I've pulled that off after 3 married Christmas's). But as you can see my Mom made sure we had plenty of presents from Santa! It was fun to just be together and to have some quiet time before our lives so drastically change...at least for a couple of days. Craig and I aren't very good at doing "nothing" and grew bored very fast, but somehow kept each other entertained with movies and games and getting things ready for Baby Boy.
I made my first Holiday dinner, but I think I overdid it a bit. After 3 days of eating we threw out so much food!
It looks like I fell on the floor and couldn't get up...I don't think I fell, but I probably couldn't get up.
This would have been at about 37 weeks. I swear some of the puffiness is swelling!! At least that's what I tell myself every day.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I thought I'd better do a little "nesting" and catch up on some blogging! I graduated from UF in December with my Masters of Science in Management. I can't believe it's come and gone already! It didn't feel like as big of a deal as I thought it would, perhaps because much bigger things are pending. However, I worked really hard this past year and am so grateful for everything to have gone so smoothly with the pregnancy, work, and school. I was so fortunate to be able to balance it all with the help of good bosses, great friends at school, and an amazing husband! They all put up with a lot- especially Craig as he was often neglected while my school, job, and church calling received all the attention. I'm excited to now focus on being a wife and mother for awhile! I couldn't have done this all without Craig and I'm so thankful to be married to the kind of person who has supported me no matter what I've wanted to do, even when it adds to his own busy life.

Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A little (or not so little) update
I'm just over 38 weeks today and we went in for an ultrasound b/c of some uncertainty about the baby's position. Turns out he's in the go position- so no worries there! He wouldn't let us see his face, but we could tell he has hair which throws me off a little b/c I thought he might be bald. And at 38 weeks he's weighing in at 7lbs, so some of you may want to rethink your weight guesses. We knew he wouldn't be small and are actually pretty happy he's ONLY 7 lbs! Now back to waiting...
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
You Know You're Pregnant When....
1. Your husband finds your appearance FUNNY.
2. Your husband no longer tells people you are getting bigger by the minute, but by the second (Is that even possible?!)
3. You get asked at least 10 times a day "How much longer?"
4. When you walk in to a room people chuckle and attempt to say "you look so cute" *snicker snicker*
5. When you are on the phone the other person asks, "Why are you panting?"
6. People at work are making bets on when he's coming (most all predicting before the due date b/c it couldn't be humanly possible to get that much bigger) and how much he weighs (which is also a concern of breaking human records)
7. You find it difficult to sit, stand, walk, or lie down. Oh wait what does that leave? NOTHING.
8. Someone passes you in the hallway and says, "YOU'RE still walking around here?"
9. People shake their head and say, "Better you than me"
10. The bus driver LOWERS the bus for you to get on, I kid you not, like they might do for a person in a wheel chair
Forgive me if I'm a little preoccupied with this whole pregnancy thing right now...I do plan to post about graduation and Christmas at least, I just need to upload some pics.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, January 06, 2010