Friday, December 14, 2007

Would you rather....?

So, my husband likes to play this game we call "would you rather". It drives me absolutely insane. The reason this comes up is because we are driving up to his parent's house this evening and I KNOW he's going to try to play the game in the car. So...a little background on the game. Craig absolutely loves Utah and would do anything to move back there if he had the opportunity, me- i'm a little more hesitant, I really like the South plus my family is here. So, what Craig does is make up questions so that my answer will be moving to Utah. For example, "Cassie, would you rather move to Iraq or Utah?", "Would you rather move to Fallujah or Utah?", "Would you rather move to Waldo, FL (you'd have to go there to understand) or Utah?". So he has lots of fun with this game, but it drives me crazy. When i get tired of playing he calls my mom to play. My mom is terrified of heights or mountains or planes, roller coasters or anything like that. He'll ask my mom, "Would you rather skydive or never see your daughter again?", "Would you rather ride a roller coaster or have us move to Louisiana?" His purpose is for my mom not to choose us living near her, I guess to make himself feel better that we probably never So, now my mom has joined in on the game. She'll ask, "Craig, would you rather live in Downsville, LA or have me move in with yall for the rest of my life?" Anyways, these questions go on and on and on and on..... it's getting completely out of control. I'm dreading the road trip to Louisiana for Christmas- maybe I can get some ear plugs.


D said...

LOL! I never knew about this game. Sounds like something Del would do. Del's favorite game is "What would you have done if I did ___________ on our first date?" And you can imagine the things that he comes up with....

Annie and Dan said...

That is Hilarious! I too would get so frustrated. Your mom is a good sport, I can just see my mom getting really mad and just not talking to him for a long time. :)

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

Cassie, this story made me laugh so hard. It sounds like Craig is out of control, no one loves Utah that much, right?

Kelly said...

Cassie, I know how you feel!!!!My daughter Emilea says this stuff to me EVERY day! And if I don't answer her she says I don't care about her! I wish we could have met you and Craig while we were here. I'm so glad that Rachel and Del have you guys as friends. Take care. Rachel's Mom.

Jaxon said...

Would you rather wrestle a bear or marry one....err BearCub