So...they haven't posted it on their blog, but...THEY MOVED TO TEXAS! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am they are here. Del got here yesterday and Rachel arrived tonight. For those of you who don't know them, we became great friends in Dental School and parted ways after graduation- not knowing when we'd ever see each other again. Us to Texas, them to New York. Del was in a residency there, but wasn't loving it so we helped convince them Texas was the place to be and they came. Their cool like that, they just do crazy stuff! We're so happy we get to continue having adventures with them and making memories together.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Del and Rachel make me happy
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Reflection on Marriage #6
I haven't done one of these in a very long time, not because I haven't had AHA moments with my dear husband, we've just been busy.
Last night, I put my sleeping little boy in his own crib in his own bedroom for the first time. Yes, he is almost 7 months old, but with the move, ordering a crib, teething, blah blah I've just never done it. He started his life in a pack n play bassinet next to my bed in Gainesville, Florida. As we were somewhat of nomads staying with parents and friends as we prepared to move he moved to a pack n play or crib at the foot of the bed and by the time we got to Texas he was sleeping all the way across the room from me!
It was time.
I sat on the couch not wanting to go to bed and leave him across the house (it's not THAT big of a house) all alone. Finally, I climbed into bed next to my husband who was playing a game of scrabble on his iPhone.
I began sobbing.
He looked at me perplexed and questioning.
Through my tears, "I don't want him so far away!" I stared at his empty pack n play and sobbed harder.
Craig, "Are you serious?" He then turns his attention back to his game. A few moments pass and again he looks up, "Are you serious? He didn't leave for college." Back to scrabble.
I try to put things into perspective.
Craig, "What's a word that ends in x?"
I'm not sure there was a lesson learned here from my wisdom rich husband. Perhaps, ignore crazy people and eventually they'll stop being crazy? Just a reflection...
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
6 Months
July 29th was Riley's Half Birthday. My mom came to visit from Louisiana (now that we are only 5 hours away!). Riley got lots of new clothes, because he has outgrown everything, and a big boy high chair. I don't have his 6 months stats, what with moving I haven't found him a new doctor yet :(...I know, I've got to get on that.
All about Riley:
- he's such a happy boy, he returns anyone's smile and loves attention (as if he doesn't get enough)
- he can't quite sit up, but thinks it's funny when he topples over
- he's started to spastically squirm across the floor. I'm not sure it's a crawl, but he's definitely mobile and gets where he wants to go..i'll have to get a video of that
- he has a walker with wheels and flies around the house in it. Most of the house is wood floors so he has a blast
- he LOVES our cat Mia. He chases her everywhere and always laughs when she looks at him. Sometimes she's nice and lets him get close enough for a quick touch, which just makes his day
- Mia secretly loves Riley. She pretends he bugs her, but whenever he cries she's the first one to his side. It's so cute.
- everything goes to his mouth, especially paper
- he says da-da-da-da all the time, but doesn't really know what it means
- his first tooth has broken skin, and is the cutest little tooth nub i've ever seen (although it's been a hellish week to get it here!)
- he is full of energy and hasn't stopped moving since i was about 20 weeks pregnant. the kid NEVER stops. I'm excited to see his cute little self walking around, but i know i'll never be able to keep up with him. he already is into anything and everything before i even notice.
He's my guy. We go everywhere together and I love him more than I ever knew I would. It sounds cliche, but I do. I honestly don't know that I could live without him now. He's just so stinkin' adorable. I love that kid.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Friday, August 13, 2010
Some Summer 2010...

Some of the family! This summer was the first time we had all been together in like 11 years, unfortunately I don't have a pic of all of us together!

Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Friday, August 13, 2010
Del and Rachel told us about this great place called Rita's that they tried in NY. There was one about a half hour from us here in Texas so we decided to check it out last weekend. It was delicious and Riley loved it!
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Happy 4 Years
Today is our 4th Anniversary. Having a baby changes everything. I was sooo exhausted today! We don't know anyone here in Texas yet that we could have babysit- even if we did I hate leaving the kid. So we debated, go out to dinner and take the kid, get take out, or do nothing. I was leaning towards nothing- like I said I was so exhausted. Craig was almost home and I remembered a shoebox in my room with terribly uncomfortable stilletos that had yet to be worn. Hmm... I decided to do it! So, I put the tired baby on the closet floor (which he finds very entertaining) and got out the curling iron I wasn't sure I still had and got myself ready. I was going on a date. I'm glad I did, Riley was very well behaved and we had a yummy dinner at one of my favorites- Olive Garden.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, August 04, 2010