Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bragging Rights

I don't generally brag, but that's what I'm about to do.
I received good grades in high school, but let's just say I haven't been a straight A student since then. HOWEVER, I received an exam back last week with a perfect score. I was quite excited because this has NEVER happened in my college career(s).
It gets better.
The professor then announces that whoever receives a perfect score on her exams gets $10! Now, my new business education tells me this is not a very good return on my investment considering the course cost $800. Fortunately, I had many more years of psychology than business classes, so I can still feel great about it!


Laura Copeland said...

Yeh! That's fantastic! Did I ever receive a perfect score on a test in college? I'm trying to remember! Anyway, between you and Craig, I just know this little guy is going to be a genius!