A week ago I was at Craig's Intramural football game that started at 9:30 PM. I try to keep my eyes on every play because I know he'll ask me about it later. Suddenly I drifted off into Cassie Land and when I came back to reality I'd lost sight of him. He stands out cause he's usually the tallest guy out there, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked at the guys on the sidelines and still couldn't find him. Hmm.. Then, the one other person in the bleachers starts a conversation,
Her: "Which team are you cheering for?"
Me: "The black team, you?"
Her: "Same. Who are you here for?"
Me: "My husband, Craig Copeland, do you know him?"
Her: "Yeah, I played coed basketball with him once. I think he got hurt."
I believe this was her politely recognizing me as his wife and letting me know he was injured since i appeared oblivious.
I stand up and see him lying on the ground on the sidelines holding a shirt to his head covered in blood.
Me: "Hmm...I guess I should be a good wife and go over there."
Anways, Craig busted his eye open and long story short he refused to go to the ER and get stitches so I had to put him back together with tape. Luckily, I work in a plastic surgery clinic.
Need I say more on Reflections on Marriage #2?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Reflections on Marriage #2
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Reflection on marriage #1
I love my husband to death, but sometimes I don't quite understand him. I'm always thinking of these crazy ways mine and Craig's relationship has changed since marriage, most of the thoughts are funny and so I thought I'd share them from time to time when they cross my mind. Last night I was able to go the Stake Youth Dance and lucky for Craig he got to come along. Let's just say he was not a happy camper at giving up his Saturday night of college football. In my mind I'm thinking this is going to be so fun! Youth dances were great! It'll be like a date night, we'll slow dance and be so in love. This is how the night actually went....
On the 30 min. drive to the dance Craig made and received several phone calls regarding scores of games he was missing, not much conversation between us-still mad he's going.
At the dance, he finally slow dances with me because I'm begging and the other priesthood leaders are starting to give him a bad time about it.
So, I finally get my dance and I'm being optimistic. It's a love song of course and I'm singing the words and relating them to my blissful marriage.
Craig looks down at me and with all seriousness and sincerity says, "You know what"? hmmm... you've never been so in love with me? I look beautiful tonight? This song reminds you of us? NO
He says, "I could totally make a 3 pointer from here". Lucky for him he got another call from Jeff at that second with an updated score.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Quick Recap
We had a really fun weekend in Jacksonville with the Toblers. We borrowed my in-laws house while they were out of town (thanks by the way). We ate at The Landing at this really good place, I think it was called American Cafe or something...way good. We also visited Ponte Vedra and went to the beach there. I can't wait till my husband buys me a house on the beach.
We had the best dessert ever! (Jeff and Amy)
We also went to Utah for a week which was sooo fun! We got to catch up with friends and family and I didn't take a single picture. I stole this one off Annie's blog. It was so good to see her and Kara!
Josh, Kendra, Trevor, Slate, Jennica, and Crazy Dan

While we were out there I was able to set my little brother up at BYU in his dorm. It was a lot of fun, he's having a blast. And I only cried for a little while when we left him. After Utah it was back to work for me and school for Craig.
OH! And some exciting news! I got in to my graduate program at UF. I will be going back to school in January for my masters degree and I'm really excited and scared. I will be getting my Master's of Science in Management. It's comparable to the first year of MBA school, but for those without a business bachelor degree. So that's it in a nutshell. Oh and we just got a new computer! Which makes blogging and keeping up with everyone a lot easier now that we'll have two computers!
And one more picture..... Mia enjoying a relaxing Labor Day.
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Tuesday, September 09, 2008