Monday, April 11, 2011

Calling all parents- help!

I have so much blogging to catch up on...our cruise, visiting grandparents, grandparents visiting, visiting more grandparents... you get the idea! BUT in the meantime we need help over here! Many many months ago we did the whole sleep training thing. Eat, play, sleep...put him down awake...let him cry it out...blahblahblah. We quickly had our little guy sleeping through the night. Well a few weeks ago he got a yucky cold/cough/high fever. I, of course, didn't let him "cry it out" while he was sick and he got cuddled and held at night for several nights. Now he's ruined. After we determined he was well enough to get back on schedule, we let him cry. He's been sick in the past and afterwards it always takes a couple nights to get back to normal. After 5-10 minutes he cried until he threw up. So maybe he wasn't all better yet?? (He didn't throw up while he was sick mind you.) A couple more nights went by and he seemed completely recovered we tried again...threw up. Now everynight we put him in his bed awake he cries until he throws up (always only 5-10 minutes after we put him in). What do we do??! He's totally out smarted us, we can't figure out what to do. We can't let him sleep in his throw what does that leave?? We are desperate for any ideas. HELP!


Chronic Commuter said...
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Chronic Commuter said...

Baby Bulimia is becoming an ever growing problem in this day and age as you are obviously now finding out. There are some simple steps that may help:

1. Don't let your son hear you say things like "He's getting so big!" or "Oh, what big boy you are! Look at you!" Of course he's going to start throwing up if he feels "BIG".

2. Don't stress out your son. BYU is getting harder and harder to get into and many parents are pushing their kids too hard. The pressure to watch Baby Einstein 3 times in a row, read an animal book, wash mommy's feet followed by more animal books can be overwhelming to a baby and cause frequent projectile vomiting.

3. Don't allow your son to "binge." Kids today only want to eat chicken nuggets, mac & cheese or mac & cheese with chicken nugget pieces on it, and they want to eat it often. This can lead to binging...which leads to puking.

4. Don't let your son get depressed. Low self esteem will inevitably come if steps 1-3 aren't followed and low self esteem breeds barf.

I hope this helps (in the meantime get a plastic sheet to go under his normal sheets). Good luck!

Bree said...

Okay don't know who Adam is but he is hilarious! My girls work themselves up until they puke too. Your are going to think this is soooo weird but I get in my girls crib with them until they fall asleep and then sneak out, getting out is trcky trying not to wake them up. After a few nights of laying with them the crib becomes normal again... I know I'm a freak, Jonathan makes fun of me when I do it. Worth a shot, don't talk to him though just lay there and don't let him talk to you.