Monday, we celebrated my 27th birthday. My mom was in town visiting for a couple days so Craig and I were able to go out for a Valentine's/Birthday dinner. And had someone to snap a picture!
I must say, there are things I like and dislike about getting older.
I hate just the fact that I'm getting older, those wrinkles forming around my eyes and mouth, those few extra lbs that seem harder to lose, and all that fun stuff. But I sometimes I like saying my age. I always feel a little like I'm not taken seriously because people always think I'm young, even younger than I actually am. And let's be honest, Craig doesn't help my situation- it's not unusal for people to be surprised we are married cause he's not exactly growing grey hairs himself. Just today I was in the front yard with Riley and a lady walked by and said very grandmotherly, "Oh, Hi! Are you babysitting today?" NO I'm not babysitting I actually BIRTHED this child. And I was glad to mention that I am in fact 27. The older I get the more silly I make those people feel! That's the part I like.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
27 Birthdays
Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Riley's 1st Year
1 Year Stats:
Weight- 21 lbs 12 oz 25-50th %
Height- 30.5 in 75-90th %
Head- 19 cm 97th %
We're so proud of that head :)
Again, again, and again I can't believe my baby is 1. I was a little uncomfortable with a newborn...but I must say I'm loving a 1 year old! I held someone else's newborn recently and it gave me so much anxiety...I think if I order another one I'll take him at 6 months! I must be the only girl in the world that doesn't love the newborn stage!
He's so much fun lately as he's walking around, starting to mimic words, and throw tantrums (!). Speaking of which...I think this blog post is over. We love him!

Posted by
Craig and Cassie
Wednesday, February 02, 2011