Monday, August 4, was our 2 year Anniversary!! We couldn't afford gifts, because as Craig told the Ward when he bore his testimony on Sunday my gift was getting my wisdom teeth out. I believe he also pointed out my chipmunk cheeks to everyone from the pulpit. Most of the men afterwards were telling him how sorry they were that he was going to be in so much trouble. It hadn't occurred to me for him to be in trouble....don't all husbands do things like that? Just another day.
To celebrate we went to dinner to Olive Garden (only because we had a gift card..LOL) and afterwards Mia joined us while we watched the Teen Choice Awards. For some reason this is getting really funny/lame as I'm writing. We had cookies for dessert that Craig had made on Sunday when I helped him make his first batch ever. As much cookies as he eats, I told him he had to start helping with the baking.
We decided to each think of our happiest moment in the past year and talk about it later that night. You won't believe this, but we thought of the exact same thing! The day we got Mia. It was such a special day!!!!
Anyways, I can't believe it's been two years. We're not newly weds anymore! The pressure really started coming after we hit one year for an addition to the family, I can't imagine what it will be like now...especially when George and Laura are back in town! But, on a serious note, it's been a great two years. It's amazing how not ready for marriage you are even though you think you're ready. We've learned so much about each other- good and bad. And fortunately the good times always heavily outweigh the bad. I know despite the fact that my husband has played basketball 4 of the 5 past nights that I'm one lucky girl! :) Craig is such a good husband and I try not to take it for granted. I'm always shocked at what other husbands DON'T do and everything Craig does. He's amazing and I hope he knows how much I love and appreciate him. To paraphrase a quote from the movie The Wedding Date, "I'd rather be fighting with you than loving someone else"! Is this even coming across sweet? I'm not very good at that....but anyways, I love you Craig!