Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ellen dancing II


Rachel said...

wow you are a super-blogger lately! I LOVE this video, I can't believe how much better he's gotten at walking since I last saw him. The clap-walk combo is so cute.

Laura Copeland said...

This was adorable! He was really into it, wasn't he? He doesn't just move up and down now, he gets the clapping, the moving, everything, now! Loved it!

Jeff and Amy Barlow said...

I'm speechless. Seriously, is he for real? You better start having more of those RIGHT NOW. He is perfect. Pants, or no pants. Perfect. xoxo

Scooter and Jessica said...

Darling! He looks so grown up!

Beverly said...

Wow, this kid has it all together. What a fun thing to catch on video. He will have fun showing this at his wedding some day.