Friday, September 24, 2010

Just some more Riley

Has it really been a whole month since I blogged? My mother in law called and chastised me my goal this weekend is to film some high quality video of our Riley boy. So much has been going on, I've neglected the blog- I'll try to catch up at some point. In the meantime, here are some pictures of Riley over the last month or so. Craig calls me daily and asks me to send pictures of what Riley's doing RIGHT then. So these are all cell phone pics.

(Laura, this was taken when I told you about things being a little out of control)

Chubby legs!



Beverly said...

I can tell that Riley rules at your house for sure. What a cutie. So glad you two cute kids have a baby now. It's a great life with kids.

Laura Copeland said...

Thanks so much for blogging with new pictures of Riley! I loved, loved, loved them! I especially laughed at the picture of him in the shopping cart--in the women's clothing department, of course! I can't wait for you to come to Florida to help me shop. I need some new clothes!

Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

He has the most infectious smile! I love it! He is so adorable Cassie!!