Saturday, April 10, 2010

It seems we have a thumbsucker!

Our Riley boy has been obsessed with sucking on his fist for awhile and we knew this day was inevitable...and yesterday it happened...he finally found his thumb! With a dentist as a dad this is a problem, Craig tried to take his thumb out and our chill little boy LOUDLY let him know he was not okay with that. So the battle begins...but isn't it so cute??

10 Weeks


Ms. Green Eyes said...

Scarlett found her thumb at 6 weeks, I pulled it right out of her mouth and she never has sucked on it again. She bites it when she's teething. Babies are so funny!

Natalie said...

Our little bubba would have been a thumb sucker if I didn't make him wear those darn mitts over his hands. Once I saw that he had lint balls in his fists, I cooled it on the mitt but by then he was already a binky lover. Whatever it takes to have a baby that can be soothed, right? :)

Alicia said...

Oh my goodness that is one adorable boy! Thumbsucker what is that??? My boys didn't take a pacifier or suck there thumb.. good luck with that one... :)