Wednesday, January 30, 2008

God be with you till we meet again...

On January 27, 2008, Gordon B. Hinckley, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints passed away. I know that everyone is blogging about this, but I'm doing it for us since I want our blog to kind of be a journal for us. President Hinckley has been a very influential man in my life. He was "my" Prophet. He's been the Prophet through the most important years of my life so far. He was my leader through the teenage and college years. He was the Prophet I followed to reach the goal of my marriage in the temple. I never knew the Church was more true than when I heard this man speak. I had the privilege to be in his presence a few times and I will never forget the power of those experiences. His example to the members of the Church and to the entire world will always be remembered. I was so saddened to hear the news of his passing, but as many I rejoiced knowing he was again with his wife. I imagine he is meeting many people now that he has long admired. I believe he was such a successful leader, not only because he was called of God, but because of his sense of humor that made him such a real and likable person. I know that I'm one of many when I say he touched me life and that I truly loved and admired him. We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet!


Annie and Dan said...

Good for you for blogging about our beloved prophet. I appreciate and agree with everything you said!