On my recent trip to Louisiana I decided to take some pictures for my blog to share with so many of my readers who have NO IDEA where I come from and will probably never visit there... I brought some of my hometown to you! I didn't get a lot of things I wanted to, maybe another time, but here's a start.This was at the beginning of the trip.I'm pretty sure Riley's expression says "Where the heck am I and why can't I understand anyone?"
This is one of my favorite spots. I used to lay out on this swing while I chatted on the phone. I spent MANY hours here growing up!
My Momma loves flowers and her yard is always full of them!
This picture is to prove that although I live in the middle of the WOODS I do have neighbors! (you can see those houses in the distance, right?)
This was my playhouse growing up. It's two story. The upstairs was the nursery where my dolls slept. Downstairs was the living area and kitchen with a full set of appliances of course.
The front yard.
This the only home I lived in until I moved away to college. It's somewhere behind those trees.
This is Lake Darbonne. I took this picture because Craig always thinks it's weird that there are trees growing in it. I just thought it was normal.
The Darbonne. (Bayou) Yes, we used to swim in this. My mother was actually baptized here.
This is my cemetery. Don't ask. Sometimes you can't help what you inherit.
We spent many many summers jumping off the end of this dock. So many memories!
In the distance you can see the Spillway Dam. My friend growing lived a couple miles on one side and I on the other so we would meet and walk across to hang out. Otherwise it took about 25 minutes to drive around the lake to each others homes.
Riley boy relaxing.
This is my nephew Hunter. I thought it was so cute, he was watching an airplane fly over.
My little brother and me.
My niece Taylor. She's a natural blonde and this time I went home and she had her hair this color...go figure.
It was impossible to get these guys to look at a camera...but at least they are happy!
This picture cost me a dollar to get Hunter to take it.
This swing broke with me while I was on it...thank goodness I wasn't holding Riley.
I'm not sure they wanted to take this picture. What's with the hair over one eye? Must be the style there.
Riley loved his Uncle Todd!
Some fun signs I saw. I'm not sure what a pig sandwich is.
These I know.
These were the best crawfish I've ever had! I ate 5 lbs and could have eaten more. (not my bud light)Some high school friends.
The street I live on.
The Creek. My cousins and I used to drag an aluminum boat to this creak and paddle down it. We also did lots of fishing in it. Who knows what lives in it.The back steps I used to sneak out of...j/k!
Hope you like this little bit of my life pre- Craig.
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