I've decided to sit up late at night and catch up on people....blogs, facebook, emails, etc. I stumbled across Amy's blog where she had tagged me for the Sweetheart Tag so here goes!
1. Where did you first meet your hubby?
The first time I saw Craig was in Wal-Mart in Orem, Utah fall of 2003. We were each with our roommates and my roommate knew his and we were all introduced. I think later that night he and his roommates came over for dessert. He was wearing a sweatshirt and backwards hat...I still like when he wears that because of the memories.
2. What do you remember most about him?
In the beginning he seemed quiet (that didn't hold to be true). I could tell he was smart and worked hard in school. But let's be honest...all my roommates and I could talk about were those big lips! I'm pretty sure we even called him Lips in secret.
3. Who asked out who first?
Craig made attempts to "hang out" but I had a boyfriend or for whatever reason it never happened. In fall of 2005, one Friday night I texted him and said....So, what are we going to do tonight? I believe, sadly, that was our first date.
4. What did you do on your first date?
We went to Sonic and got shakes and hung out at his place. It must not have been as lame as it sounds since the rest is history!
5. What was your favorite thing to do together while dating?
We watched a couple of seasons of Lost. We listened to a lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers. We ate Snowies. We went to the gym. On Sundays, we always went to Alpine to hang out with Kyle and Kim and Kevin and Angie (and families). We entertained ourselves with like 8 pages of questions that our Bishop's wife gave us to ask each bther before getting married! I'm not sure how much it helped us, but we were really entertained by it.
6. When was your first kiss with your sweetheart?
Let's just say it was long before our "first date" and I'm not answering any questions about that! Let's not dwell in the past....:)
7. Who said "I love you" first?
As we were planning our futures, who would move where and do what, and after Craig mentioned to the Bishop we were thinking about getting married....i suggested that maybe he should think about loving me first. So, one night it goes something like this:
Craig (from the living room couch of my apartment): Hey!?
Cassie (from the kitchen): Yeah?
Craig: I think I might love you and we should get married in August. (this is probably May, and said in one breath)
Cassie (approaching living room from kitchen): You THINK you MIGHT love me?
Let's just say as much as I loved him, I didn't have high hopes for my future being "romantic". LOL, although he has proved me wrong from time to time.
8. When did you first realize you loved him?
Wow, these questions are getting harder. I didn't read ahead before I started. I think Craig and I fell in love very quickly when we started dating...we already knew each other pretty well and had both learned a lot about what we wanted in a companion and what was most important. I think he would agree from the moment we started dating we knew where it was going. I don't remember a "moment", but I just remember everything falling into place very naturally. Our feelings for each other had built over time before we ever dated and when we finally did it was just like okay, finally we figured this out! So...i guess my answer is i don't know, but it didn't take long!
9. How did he propose?
He definitely made up for the lack of romance from when he said i love you! We went to a very romantic dinner (there's a whole story behind that) and I wondered if he was going to because he was gazing at me all through dinner, but he never did. So we left dinner and were stopping back by his brothers house...we walked around to the back of the house to go in and there were candles everywhere!! The setting was so beautiful....their backyard looks at the mountains and there was a little waterfall behind the house with candles all over the rocks. There was tables with red roses and white (roses?) flowers everywhere. We had a delicious dessert and sparkling grape juice. And most importantly...the ring! He got down on one knee (traditional, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!) and said the sweetest things he had ever said up to that point...and of course i said YES!
10. What do you remember about your wedding day?
Madness! We were moving and getting married in the same day....wouldn't recommend that. The most calming (and best) part was the morning where we went to the Temple together. Once we arrived we didn't have a lot of time to sit and think, I'm pretty sure we were the last ones to arrive and everyone was in the sealing room waiting. I remember Craig was holding my hand so tightly, like he thought I might try to run and he wasn't going to let me. There's nothing like walking in hand in hand with those close to you gathered around filled with support and love. The rest of our day was filled with packing and pictures, but we'll never forget those feelings in the Temple. That night we had a reception in the same backyard where he proposed! We stayed at The Marriot in downtown Provo, before leaving the next day on our honeymoon/move across country.
I tag: Annie