So....Craig and Cassie have finally decided to join the world of blogging! Yea!! I'm sure that most of you that are reading this already know us...but for those who are randomly on our blog, we'll give ya a brief background.
Cassie is from Downsville, Louisiana, and no you do not know where this is and you will not find it on most maps. After high school I relocated to Provo, Utah to attend BYU.
Craig lived in Utah until age 12 when the family then moved to Gainesville, Florida. After high school Craig moved back to Utah briefly, then served a 2 year mission in Italy, and then back to Utah to finish school at BYU.
We met in 2003, started dating in 2005, and got married August 4, 2006. If you would like to know more about this sentence covering 3 years just ask. There's lots of good stories in those years!
The day after we got married, we packed up the car and headed on our way to Gainesville, Florida (minus the week detour to Hawaii). The trip out is a story in and of itself. So, now we have been in Gainesville for over a year and are loving it. Craig's in his second year of dental school and Cassie is doing the whole work thing.
This is all we can tell you at this point because then we'll have nothing to write about later. I know that there are those of you out there that are shocked we started a blog and think there is no way we'll keep it up....Give us a chance (Rachel!)!